i have some several genuine tips steps of how to get those drivers.
- you should know what device software is missing by checking on syetem device on my computer properties.
- know the name of your machine mostly the cpu or laptop name,if not sure use command on run>wmic csproduct get name this command gets the real name of computer it can be good aid when searching for drivers in search engines
- you can also download a unique software called ..unknown device Identifier very useful for analysing and identifying name of driver incase search engine cant get correct devices..
- if its a Branded product like hp,dell, you can get the drivers in their potals, type the name of your product on its search bracket and you will get your product drivers listed.
- if your product have intel chip you are lucky they have a sytem which can identify and load drivers automatically.
- After you load drivers its good to save them so that you can use them later incase your machine will be reformatted.